
Chceli by ste bližšie spoznať svojho nového kolegu či partnera? Lepšia cesta ako úniková hra nejestvuje. Zistite, ako vaši priatelia reagujú pod tlakom, či dokážu triezvo a logicky uvažovať, a pritom nestrácajú humor. Darčekový poukaz na hru Divná basa môže využiť celé osadenstvo vašej kancelárie, a tak sa nielen zbaví stereotypu, ale možno aj všetkých zábran...  

Platnosť: 12 mesiacov


Rezervácia: ideálne aspoň týždeň vopred, cez rezervačný online systém

During the game, you might get dirty, so wear sturdy shoes, and remember that the hall is not heated in the winter.

Where is the game located?

Muštová 3 / Entrance via AVT Servis


COST:   69,37 €

The game is only available for people over 15 years of age. Otherwise, such underage person must be accompanied by an adult and assumes full responsibility for the underage person.

There is no need to force open, break open or damage anything. In the event of apparent intentional damage to the equipment, we as the organiser are entitled to recover the full amount of the damage.

The game space is built like a prison from which you need to escape, while escaping you need to overcome certain obstacles. That is, physical dexterity will also be needed to escape. It may also result in getting dirty or damaging clothes. Sports clothing and sturdy footwear are recommended. Players accept the given playing conditions.

Due to the cramped environment, the game is not recommended for mentally unstable persons, persons with insurmountable phobias, persons with psychiatric diagnoses, epileptics or extremely sensitive persons prone to severe panic states.

The entire game area is constantly monitored and in case of any crisis situation the game is terminated.
Each player agrees to enter the weird bass at their own risk.